
理研知融合領域リーダー育成プログラム Young Chief Investigator 募集

2011年01月06日 公募

1. 目的

 完全に独立した研究室形式を取らず、RCAI 内のグループまたはチームに研究スペースと設備等
 関係する領域の理研内の専門家(PI)3 名がメンターとなり、研究指導、論文作成、発表支援、

2)国際アドバイザリー・カウンシル (RCAI AC)(1-2 年に一回)による助言等を受ける。
3) 5 年目、センター長・副センター長によるレビューおよびRCAI AC による助言等を受け、

4. メンターの役割
1) 当該研究者の研究支援を行う。
2) 研究テーマに関連した実験指導、論文作成、発表支援、研究費獲得等指導を行なう。
3) プログラム支援委員会に出席し、意見を述べる。
4) 研究の進捗をセンター長へ報告(1 年に一度)する。

5. プログラム支援委員会の役割
1) 研究推進に必要な事項(追加予算など)に関して、センターとしての支援を検討する。
2) 研究テーマをセンターの中核プロジェクトとして実施するための必要事項を整備・検討する。

6. 対象と応募
 公募。採用は、原則40 歳(暫定)までの常勤可能な研究者。大学院生も応募可能(但し、非常

7. 契約期間と経費
 複数年度契約。5 年間(平成28 年3 月31 日まで)は保証。5 年目の評価により、最大2年間延長
 採用された場合、年間1,500 万円 (自身の給与を含む人件費込)を限度に予算を配分する。

8. 選考と決定

9. 応募方法
 〒230-0045 神奈川県横浜市鶴見区末広町1-7-22
 独立行政法人 理化学研究所 横浜研究所研究推進部 人事担当 阿部

 1) 研究計画書
  A4 20 ページ以内。研究計画書には、課題名、背景、プロジェクト内容、および研究者のこれ

 2) 年次計画

 3) ホストラボ

 4) メンター
  希望する領域を記載。特定のPI をメンターとして希望する場合はその氏名を記載。

 5) 研究計画の実行能力を判定できる事項の記載

 6) CV および推薦書2通(谷口 克 センター長宛)

10. 〆切(予定)
 2011 年2月11 日

11. 問い合わせ
 RCAI リサーチコーディネーター(岩野 E-mail:下記連絡先参照)


Available Positions for Young Chief Investigator
RIKEN Research Center for Allergy and Immunology (RCAI), Yokohama, Japan

1. Purpose
The purpose of this new program is to provide a career path for young investigators who
conduct multidisciplinary and/or strategic research that will bridge immunology with other
research fields. The selected Young Chief Investigators will run an independent research
laboratory but will be mentored by specialists in related research fields, i.e. Group Directors
(GD) and Team Leaders (TL) in all of the RIKEN Institutes, including Brain Science Institute
(neuroscience), Center for Developmental Biology (developmental science), Plant Science
Center (plant science), Center for Genome Medicine (SNPs), Systems and Structural Biology
Center (protein research), Omics Science Center (genomics), Bioinformatics And Systems
Engineering division (phenome research), Center for Research Network for Infectious
Diseases (network for infectious diseases), Advanced Science Institute (basic Science), Center
for Molecular Imaging Science (imaging), BioResource Center (biological resources), Harima
Institute (SPring‐8, XFEL), Nishina Center for Accelerator‐Based Science (physics), Innovation
Center, Program for Drug Discovery and Medical Technology Platforms (R&D), Biomass
Engineering Program (green technologies) and Center for Computational and Quantitative
Life Science (systems biology). The Young Chief Investigators are expected to be pioneers in
new research fields and, if successful, they will be candidates for future TL or GD positions to
establish the new research field as one of the core research programs at RIKEN RCAI.

2. Research structure
The Young Chief Investigator (YCI) will run the laboratory independently in terms of funding
and research. The laboratory will, however, share space, equipment and facilities with a host
lab (RCAI Research Group or Team). The Young Chief Investigators are supported by the
following mentor system and the RCAI Program Committee and will be evaluated by the
RIKEN RCAI External Advisory Council (RCAI AC) and the RCAI Internal Review Systems as
described in sections 3 to 5.

3. Evaluation
1) The YCI reports progress to the RCAI Program Committee twice a year.
2) The YCI makes a presentation to the RCAI AC (once every 1‐2 years) and receives their
review and recommendations.
3) In the fifth year, the YCI will be reviewed by the RCAI AC and the RCAI Internal Review
Board. If successful, his/her position may be extended for two years or he/she may be
encouraged to apply for TL or GD positions.

4. Mentors
Three specialists from related fields will serve as mentors.
1) Mentors support the research of the YCI.
2) Mentors provide guidance for experimental design, preparation of papers and
presentations, promotion of international visibility, and obtaining research funding.
3) Mentors attend the RCAI Program Committee meeting and offer evaluation of the YCI.
4) Mentors provide annual report to the Director on the YCI’s research progress.

5. Role of the RCAI Program Committee
During the initial assessment of the proposed research project, the Committee will discuss
its relevance and value as a part of the core research programs at RCAI. Subsequently, the
Committee will consider necessary changes in the level of RCAI support for approved YCI (e.g.
additional research budget).

6. Candidate eligibility and application
RIKEN RCAI opens the call for applications to the public. Potential candidates must be MD or
PhD no more than 40 years old who are able to work full‐time. Graduate students may also
apply if the student’s mentor agrees them to work as part‐time researchers. The aim of this
program is to facilitate multidisciplinary and strategic research in immunology.

7. Term and budget
The term is for 5 years (until March 31, 2016). The YCI will be evaluated at the end of the
fifth year, and if it receives an excellent evaluation the term can be extended for another 2
years. (However, this possibility is contingent on the national economic status, etc.). The lab
will receive a maximum annual budget of 15 million yen, which includes the YCI’s salary as
well as those of the other researchers in the laboratory. However, if necessary, additional
funding will be considered by the RIKEN RCAI and the RCAI Program Committee.

8. Selection and appointment
Once the applications are received, the selection committee of the RIKEN Yokohama Institute
will choose a candidate and the president of RIKEN (Dr. Ryoji Noyori: Nobel Prize Laureate for
Chemistry, 2001) will appoint the YCI.

9. Application
Electonically submit the following documents to
Keiichi Abe (Mr.), Personnel Group, Yokohama Research Promotion Division, RIKEN Yokohama
1‐7‐22, Suehirocho, Tsurumi‐ku, Yokohama,
Kanagawa, 230‐0045, Japan
e‐mail: k‐abe@riken.jp
Phone: +81‐(0)45‐503‐9467
1) Research plan
This should contain the project title, background, project detail and relation to the
investigator''s previous research. (Maximum of 10 A4 pages, single spaced).
2) Annual plans
Briefly describe the annual plans for the first two years. Include for each year a
detailed research plan, research goal, employment plan and budget plan. Indicate
major milestones for 3rd 4th and 5th year. If there are any outside funds available
to support the research, they should be itemized.
3) Host lab
Nominate or specify, if possible, the names of the preferred host lab(s) for your
preference. RCAI will coordinate a host lab and mentors.
4) Mentor
Indicate the preferred field of research. Applicants may specify the preferred PI
5) Provide a critical self‐evaluation to demonstrate capability to complete the research
6) A CV and two recommendation letters addressed to RIKEN RCAI Director Masaru
Taniguchi are required.

10. Application deadline is February 11, 2011.

11.Contact Dr. Haruka Iwano, Research Coordinator at RIKEN RCAI, at haruka@rcai.riken.jp
for any inquiries.

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