Short talk

■Presentation equipments
Please bring your own laptop and connect it to our projector for your presentation.
We will not provide a sound output.

Attention 1)  Please connect the computer to a video switcher.
Attention 2)  The video output connector of presenter�s laptop should be �miniD-sub15pin (female)�.
If the connector is not this type (for example, that of Macintosh computer), please bring an adaptor.
Attention 3)  Speaker is advised to bring his/her PowerPoint file in a USB memory.

1. Speaker is requested to tell his/her arrival to the session room attendant.
2. Speaker will make a 12 min-presentation using his/her own computer.
All session rooms will be equipped with a data projector and a lavaliere microphone.
3. PowerPoint(R) (Microsoft) is supposed to be used as a software.
4. Speaker will make a presentation through your computer, which must be connected to a video switcher.
Please bring your computer with you to connecting desk in front of the presentation room by following times;

◆ Those who are scheduled to make presentations before the break or before 15:00 for Day1 and Day2,
before 10:00 for Day3, please bring your computer 15 minutes prior to your presentation.
◆ Those who are schedule to make presentations after the break or after 15:10 for Day1 and Day2,
after 10:10 for Day3, please bring your computer during the break time.