*Some updates have been made to Handy Program Book.
For the latest information, please see Online Abstracts.
Plenary Lecture
Plenary IUPAB Katchalsky Lecture
Plenary Lecture 1
13:30-14:20, Mon. 24 June Room A
- Chair:
- Takeharu Nagai(Osaka University)

Investigator, McGovern Institute for Brain Research, MIT
James and Patricia Poitras Professor of Neuroscience at MIT
Associate Professor, Departments of Brain and Cognitive Sciences and Biological Engineering, MIT
New York Stem Cell Foundation-Robertson Investigator
Plenary IUPAB Engstrom Lecture
Plenary Lecture 2
9:00-9:50, Wed. 26 June Room A
- Chair:
- Christina Sizun(Université Paris Saclay)

Plenary IUPAB Ramachandran Lecture
Plenary Lecture 3
9:00-9:50, Thu. 27 June JST/17:00-17:50, Wed. 26 June PDT Room B-1
- Chair:
- Nobuyasu Koga(Osaka University)

Design of New Protein Functions using Deep Learning Speaker:David Baker (University of Washington)Keynote Lecture
Keynote Lecture 1
Searching for Universal Laws in Evolved and Evolvable Complex Biological Systems
9:00-9:50, Tue. 25 June Room B-1
- Chair:
- Chun-Biu Li(Stockholm University)

Kunihiko Kaneko earned his Ph.D. in chaos theory from the University of Tokyo in 1984. His career includes postdoctoral research at Los Alamos National Laboratory, an Assistant/Associate Professorship at the University of Tokyo, and Stanislaw Ulam Fellow at Los Alamos. He served as a professor at the University of Tokyo (1994-2022) and then joined the NBI. He held directorial roles at the Universal Biology Institute and the Center for Complex Systems Biology, while he was a visiting professor at several institutions including Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton, Ecole Normale Lyon, and Osaka University. He works in theoretical biophysics, to extract universal characteristics in hierarchical biological systems.
Keynote Lecture 2
Molecular simulations open a window into cellular dynamics
17:30-18:20, Wed. 26 June Room A
- Chair:
- Yuji Sugita(RIKEN)

Gerhard Hummer studied physics at the University of Vienna, Austria (1985-1990). After PhD studies at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry (1990-1992), he joined the Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA) as a postdoctoral fellow (1993-1996) and then as group leader (1996-1999). In 1999, he moved to the National Institutes of Health (USA), where he became Chief of the Theoretical Biophysics Section in the Laboratory of Chemical Physics. In 2013 he was appointed director at the Max Planck Institute of Biophysics in Frankfurt, Germany. Gerhard Hummer uses molecular simulations and theory to study biological systems at the molecular scale.
Keynote Lecture 3
Cytoplasmic Dynamics and Mechanics in the Maturation and Aging of Mammalian Oocytes
17:30-18:20, Wed. 26 June Room B-1
- Chair:
- Jie Yan(National University of Singapore)

Keynote Lecture 4
Decoding regeneration using computer designed proteins
9:00-9:50, Fri. 28 June JST/17:00-17:50, Thu. 27 June PDT Room B-1
- Chair:
- Ikuko Fujiwara(Nagaoka University of Technology)

Decoding regeneration using computer designed proteins Speaker:Hannele Ruohola-Baker Biochemistry, Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine, University of WashingtonAwards
BPS Award Lecture
Accurate Models for Interrogating and Engineering Biomolecular Condensates
16:40-17:30, Wed. 26 June Room B-1
- Chair:
- Kumiko Hayashi(The University of Tokyo)

The Avanti Prize Lecture
From color-tuning to optogenetics: modeling the relationship between red-light absorption and fluorescence intensity in archaerhodopsins
17:00-17:40, Mon. 24 June Room A
- Chair:
- Manuel Prieto(University of Lisbon, Portugal)
- Chair:
- Anthony Watts(University of Oxford, UK)

The Bei Lecture
Nanozyme, a new biological catalyst and its applications
18:30-19:10, Thu. 27 June Room A
- Chair:
- Pingsheng Liu(Institue of Biophysics, CAS)

The Young Investigator Award Lecture
Structural and functional diversity in light-gated ion channels: channelrhodopsins
16:00-16:40, Wed. 26 June Room A
- Chair:
- Manuel Prieto(University of Lisbon, Portugal)
- Chair:
- Anthony Watts(University of Oxford, UK)

The 20th Early Career Award in Biophysics Candidate Presentations
10:00-12:20, Tue. 25 June Room A
- Chair:
- Takayuki Nishizaka(Gakushuin University)
- Chair:
- Shuji Akiyama(Institute for Molecular Science)

Industrial Science and
Technology (AIST))
Symposium 1
Super-resolution and Advanced Microscopy Imaging
14:30-16:50, Mon. 24 June Room A

Symposium 2
Morphogenesis during Development and Repair
14:30-16:50, Mon. 24 June Room B-1
- Chair:
- Satoru Okuda(Kanazawa University)
- Chair:
- Yanlan Mao(University College London)

Symposium 3
Cryo Electron Microscopy and Tomography
14:30-16:50, Mon. 24 June Room B-2

Symposium 4
Correlative Cell Imaging
14:30-16:50, Mon. 24 June Room D
- Chair:
- Tomonobu Watanabe(RIKEN/Hiroshima University)

Symposium 5
Theoretical Biology of Complex Systems
14:30-16:50, Mon. 24 June Room E
- Chair:
- Masayo Inoue(Kyushu Institute of Technology)
- Chair:
- Chikara Furusawa(RIKEN)

Symposium 6
Mechanosensing and Mechanobiology, Biological Temperature
10:00-12:20, Tue. 25 June Room B-1

Symposium 7
Protein Structure to Function 1
10:00-12:20, Tue. 25 June Room B-2
- Chair:
- Mikako Shirouzu(RIKEN)

Symposium 8
Unstructured/Disordered Proteins, RNA
10:00-12:20, Tue. 25 June Room C-2
- Chair:
- Shintaro Iwasaki(RIKEN)

Symposium 9
Lipid and Membrane Biophysics
10:00-12:20, Tue. 25 June Room D

Symposium 10
Data Science for Integrated Dynamic Structural Biology
10:00-12:20, Tue. 25 June Room E
- Chair:
- Florence Tama(Nagoya University & RIKEN Center for Computational Science)
- Chair:
- Jianhan Chen(University of Massachusetts Amherst)

Symposium 11
Single Molecule Biophysics in Chromosome Science
16:00-18:20, Tue. 25 June Room A

Symposium 12
Cell Motility, Cytoskeleton and Motor Proteins
16:00-18:20, Tue. 25 June Room B-1

Symposium 13
Protein Structure to Function 2
16:00-18:20, Tue. 25 June Room B-2

Symposium 14
Data Science, Machine Learning, and Analytical Frameworks for Understanding the Heterogeneity of Cellular and Multicellular Systems
16:00-18:20, Tue. 25 June Room E

Symposium 15
Single Molecule Biophysics with Advanced Techniques
10:00-12:20, Wed. 26 June Room A

Symposium 16
Rotary ATPases
10:00-12:20, Wed. 26 June Room B-1

Symposium 17
Protein Design & Engineering
10:00-12:20, Wed. 26 June Room B-2
- Chair:
- Ai Niitsu(RIKEN)

Symposium 18
Neural Systems and Excitable Cells
10:00-12:20, Wed. 26 June Room C-2

Symposium 19
Understanding Structure and Function of Emerging Viruses
10:00-12:20, Wed. 26 June Room D
- Chair:
- Katsumi Maenaka(Hokkaido University)

Symposium 20
Synthetic and Constructive Biology
10:00-12:20, Wed. 26 June Room E
- Chair:
- Tomoaki Matsuura(Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Symposium 21
Computational Molecular Biophysics
10:00-12:20, Thu. 27 June Room A
- Chair:
- Cecilia Clementi(Freie Universität Berlin)

Symposium 22
Bacterial/Archaeal Supermolecular Assembly
10:00-12:20, Thu. 27 June Room B-1
- Chair:
- Daisuke Nakane(The University of Electro-Communications)

Symposium 23
Optogenetics and Photobiology
10:00-12:20, Thu. 27 June Room B-2
- Chair:
- Keiichi Inoue(The University of Tokyo)
- Chair:
- Kota Katayama(Nagoya Institute of Technology)

Symposium 24
Chromatin Dynamics and Imaging
10:00-12:20, Thu. 27 June Room C-2

Symposium 25
Biophysics of Disease
10:00-12:20, Thu. 27 June Room D

Symposium 26
Applications of Non-equilibrium Physics
16:00-18:20, Thu. 27 June Room B-1
- Chair:
- Kumiko Hayashi(The University of Tokyo)
- Chair:
- Chun-Biu Li(Stockholm University)

Symposium 27
DNA/Chromatin Physics
16:00-18:20, Thu. 27 June Room B-2

Symposium 28
Membraneless Organella, Autophage, Liquid-liquid Phase Separation
16:00-18:20, Thu. 27 June Room C-2
- Chair:
- Arslan Siddique(University of New South Wales)

Symposium 29
Soft Matter Biophysics
16:00-18:20, Thu. 27 June Room D
- Chair:
- Masaki Sasai(Kyoto University)

Symposium 30
Structure, Function and Biophysics of the Bacterial Motility and Flagellar Motor
10:00-12:20, Fri. 28 June Room B-1
- Chair:
- Seiji Kojima(Nagoya University)

Symposium 31
Stem Cells and Organoids
10:00-12:20, Fri. 28 June Room B-2

Symposium 32
Origin of Life
10:00-12:20, Fri. 28 June Room D
- Chair:
- Ryo Mizuuchi(Waseda University)
- Chair:
- Tony Z. Jia(Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Symposium 33
Data Sharing and Open Science
10:00-12:20, Fri. 28 June Room E

Hands-on Training Session
Hands-on Training Session - D
DNA Nanomachine Tutorial
14:30-16:50, Mon. 24 June Room C-2
- Chair:
- Shin-ichiro Nomura(Tohoku University)

Hands-on Training Session - A
Millions of Single Live Cell Analysis with the Automated Trans-scale-scope, AMATERAS
16:00-18:20, Tue. 25 June Room C-2

Hands-on Training Session - B
Visualizing the Nanometer World in Liquid by Bio-SPMs
10:00-12:20, Thu. 27 June Room E
- Chair:
- Noriyuki Kodera(Kanazawa University)

Hands-on Training Session - E
Exploring Multi-cellular Mechanics
10:00-12:20, Fri. 28 June Room A
- Chair:
- Tatsuo Shibata(RIKEN)
- Chair:
- Shige H. Yoshimura(Kyoto University)

Hands-on Training Session - C
10:00-12:20, Fri. 28 June Room C-2
- Chair:
- Yuji Sugita(RIKEN)

ABA Symposium
Symposium 38
Asian Biophysics Association (ABA) Symposium
16:00-18:20, Thu. 27 June Room E

Morning Seminar
Morning Seminar 01 (Avanti Polar Lipids)
Delicious Molecules: A Primer on Lipids and Membrane Biophysics
8:00-8:50,Tue. 25 June Room A
Morning Seminar 02 (GeneFrontier)
Introduction of the reconstituted cell-free protein synthesis system, the PURE system, for synthetic biology research
8:00-8:50, Wed. 26 June Room A
- Chair:
- Takashi Kanamori(GeneFrontier Corporation)
Morning Seminar 03 (Avanti Polar Lipids)
8:00-8:50, Thu. 27 June Room A
BP Seminar
BP Seminar 01 (JEOL Ltd.)
Microscope Technology that Realizes Structural Biology
12:35-13:35, Tue. 25 June Room A
- Chair:
- Akio Sekigawa(JEOL Ltd.)
BP Seminar 02 (Carl Zeiss Co., Ltd.)
Investigate Molecular Dynamics in Live Cells and Organisms using Fluorescence Correlation-based Microscopy Methods
12:35-13:35, Tue. 25 June Room B-1
- Chair:
- Akira Sato(ZEISS Research Microscopy Solutions, Japan)
BP Seminar 03 (Leica Microsystems K.K.)
To The Future of Microscopy Imaging
12:35-13:35, Tue. 25 June Room B-2
- Chair:
- Shintaro Tanaka(Leica Microsystems K.K.)
BP Seminar 04 (Nakatani Foundation for Advancement of Measuring Technologies in Biomedical Engineering)
Unveil the Spark: Explore the Decision Moment to become Biophysicists!
12:35-13:35, Tue. 25 June Room C-2
- Chair:
- Satoshi Takahashi(Tohoku University)
- Chair:
- Seiji Kojima(Nagoya University)
- Chair:
- Ikuko Fujiwara(Nagaoka Univresity of Technology)
BP Seminar 05 (SIGMAKOKI CO., LTD.)
A New World from Single Cells to Cell Populations Revealed by the Ultra-wide-field Microscope "AMATERAS"
12:35-13:35, Tue. 25 June Room D
- Chair:
- Nobutoyo Oguni(SIGMAKOKI CO., LTD.)
BP Seminar 06 (On-chip Biotechnologies Co., Ltd)
BarBIQ: a novel method for single-cell-based quantitative analysis of bacterial microbiota using droplets
12:35-13:35, Tue. 25 June Room E
- Chair:
- Kageyasu Takanashi(On-chip Biotechnologies Co., Ltd.)
BP Seminar 07 (Refeyn)
Mass Photometry – Revolutionary Biophysical Characterization of Single Molecules
12:35-13:35, Wed. 26 June Room A
- Chair:
- Kohei Shiba(Refeyn Japan, K.K.)
Nanoscale Quantum Biosensors: Imaging Techniques for Measurement
12:35-13:35, Wed. 26 June Room B-1
BP Seminar 09 (Yokogawa Electric Corporation)
The Story behind the Invention of the Confocal Scanner CSU
12:35-13:35, Wed. 26 June Room D
- Chair:
- Toshiaki Endou(Yokogawa Electric Corporation)
- Chair:
- Yoshitaka Sekizawa(Yokogawa Electric Corporation)
BP Seminar 10 (Digital Bioassay Laboratory, The University of Tokyo and TOPPAN Holdings Inc.)
Digital Bioassay Laboratory in Univ. Tokyo
12:35-13:35, Wed. 26 June Room E
- Chair:
- Yoichi Makino(Technical Research Institute, TOPPAN Holdings Inc.)
From VAAS to NSPARC: 15 Years of Super-Resolution Confocal Microscopy
12:35-13:35, Thu. 27 June Room A
- Chair:
BP Seminar 12 (Refeyn)
Mass Photometry – Revolutionary Biophysical Characterization of Single Molecules
12:35-13:35, Thu. 27 June Room B-1
- Chair:
- Kohei Shiba(Refeyn Japan, K.K.)
BP Seminar 13 (Evident Corperation)
Reconstitution of actin cytoskeletal dynamics and functions
12:35-13:35, Thu. 27 June Room D
BP Seminar 14 (Twist Bioscience)
WeMakeDNA - Approaches to Optogenetics Using Synthetic Genes
12:35-13:35, Thu. 27 June Room E
- Chair:
- Masanori Noguchi(Twist Bioscience)
BP Seminar 15 (The Biophysical Society of Japan & Acaric.co.ltd.)
Beyond Borders: Insights into International Employment Opportunities
12:35-13:35, Fri. 28 June Room A
- Chair:
- Daisuke Nakane(Committee for Gender Equality and Support for Young Researchers, The Biophysical Society of Japan)
- Chair:
- Takayuki Nishizaka(Committee for Gender Equality and Support for Young Researchers, The Biophysical Society of Japan)
BP Seminar 16 ("Nagoya Institute of Technology & SHIMADZU CORPORATION")
Introduction of Mass Spectrometry Imaging Technology
12:35-13:35, Fri. 28 June Room B-2
- Chair:
- Kota Katayama(Graduate School of Engineering Nagoya Institute of Technology)
Sponsored Symposium
Sponsored Symposium 01: Physics and Mechanobiology in Cellular and Extracellular Systems
Physics and Mechanobiology in Cellular and Extracellular Systems
Sponsor: MEXT KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Area (A) "Material properties determine body shapes and their constructions"
MEXT KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Area (A) "Integration of Extracellular Information by Multimodal ECM Activity"
16:00-18:20, Tue. 25 June Room D
Sponsored Symposium 02: Exploring the Dynamics of Biomolecular Supra-Assemblies
Exploring the Dynamics of Biomolecular Supra-Assemblies:
Sponsor: JST PRESTO, Dynamic supra-assembly of biomolecular systems
16:00-18:20, Thu. 27 June Room A
- Chair:
- Hideki Nakamura(Kyoto University)