�y�V���|�W�E���ꗗ�i���s���j�z �ׂ�сE�@�т��D��Ȃ����l�Ȑ������ۂɒ��ށ@�`���q����̂܂Ł`
Diverse functions of flagella and cilia; –From molecules to mammalian development–
Alkyne-tag based Raman probes and bio-imaging of small molecules
Novel 3D imaging of active sites in biomolecular systems to understand the biochemical functions
Large-scale networks in life science
Biosupercomputing opened by next-generation supercomputer post-K
Studies of dynamic chromatin structure and function to understand fundamentals of life
Future of biomimetics learning from natural history
Advances in our understanding of the interaction between actin filaments and their binding proteins
Proton permeation mechanism across membrane
The dawn of thermal biology
The challenge of experimentalists and theorists for the protein and nucleic acid system
Concerto and ensemble of membrane proteins and membrane lipids
New developments in biophysical studies with X-ray free electron laser at the SACLA
Conformational switching of tubulin and its physiological function
Principles and applications of super resolution microscopy in recent life science
Novel measurement techniques for visualizing 'live' protein molecules at work
Frontier of the study of lipid-active structures
Description of 'living state' based on high-dimensional cellular dynamics
Functions of biomolecules controlled by flexibility
Biophysics underlying the synthesis and folding of nascent polypeptide chains
Formation of spatiotemporal dynamic ordering mediated by ATP hydrolysis
Synthetic biology exploring the border between life and material
Diversity of GPCRs, and multimodal approach to understanding their functions
Principles and evolution for force generation in bio-nanomachines
Advanced electron microscopy: A new world view of mesoscale biology
Dynamical structural change of proteins upon interaction with biomolecules
Key role of pKa on functions of pump, enzyme, and motor
Mechanisms of diverged ligand recognition by similar protein structures for higher-order biological processes
Frontiers of structural life science approaching to cellular phenomena
State-of-the-art hybrid methods for structural analysis of macromolecular complexes at functional state
Electrophysiological approaches for structure and function of membrane proteins
Dynamics of membrane transport proteins
New biophysical approaches to explore and manipulate cells
Towards understanding origins of order through integrated approach of experiments and theory -From molecules to tissue-
Biological events operated by small number of biomolecules
Protein structures and functions in multi-component systems: From hydration to intracellular environment
Exploring rare events in biomolecular systems
Artificial cells: Preparation, application, and activation
�y�V���|�W�E���ꗗ�i���s���j�z �ׂ�сE�@�т��D��Ȃ����l�Ȑ������ۂɒ��ށ@�`���q����̂܂Ł`
Diverse functions of flagella and cilia; –From molecules to mammalian development–
�I�[�K�i�C�U�[�F���� ���V�i�w�K�@��j�C�r�� �_�i�i�l�����j
�A���L���^�O�����}���v���[�u���͂��߂Ƃ��鏬���q�o�C�I�C���[�W���O�őO��Alkyne-tag based Raman probes and bio-imaging of small molecules
�I�[�K�i�C�U�[�F���c �L��i���k��j�C�Ί_ ���́i���w�@��j
���̕��q�����T�C�g�̐V�����R�c�\������@�Ƌ@�\���Novel 3D imaging of active sites in biomolecular systems to understand the biochemical functions
�I�[�K�i�C�U�[�F��� �D�i�L���s��j�C���X�� �T���i����j
�����Ȋw�ɂ������K�̓l�b�g���[�N���Large-scale networks in life science
�I�[�K�i�C�U�[�F���c �^��i����j�C���c �����q�i�����j
������X�p�R���u�|�X�g���v���o�C�I�X�[�p�[�R���s���[�e�B���OBiosupercomputing opened by next-generation supercomputer post-K
�I�[�K�i�C�U�[�F�r�� �����i���l�s��j
�������ۂ̊�{�ɔ��铮�I�N���}�`���\���E�@�\�����̍őO��Studies of dynamic chromatin structure and function to understand fundamentals of life
�I�[�K�i�C�U�[�F���� ���q�i���ʐM���j�C���i ����m�i���H��j
���R�j�Ɋw�ԃo�C�I�~���e�B�N�X�̖���Future of biomimetics learning from natural history
�I�[�K�i�C�U�[�F�і� �����i���蓝���o�C�I�j�C�o�� �i�C�m�@�\�j
�A�N�`�����ۂƌ����^���p�N���̍\���Ƌ@�\�Ƃ�炬Advances in our understanding of the interaction between actin filaments and their binding proteins
�I�[�K�i�C�U�[�F�C�� �m�j�i����H��j�C�{�� ���i�����Z��j
��������v���g�����ߋ@�\Proton permeation mechanism across membrane
�I�[�K�i�C�U�[�F���� �֎j�i���j�C���� �N�i�i���j
���x�����w�̖��J��The dawn of thermal biology
�I�[�K�i�C�U�[�F���� �O��i����j�C�v�� �āi�b���j
�`�����E�j�_�����n�ɑ�������ƂƗ��_�Ƃ̒���The challenge of experimentalists and theorists for the protein and nucleic acid system
�I�[�K�i�C�U�[�F���` ���l�i���k��j�C�T�c �ώj�i�Y�����j
���^���p�N���Ɩ��������D��Ȃ����t�ƍ��tConcerto and ensemble of membrane proteins and membrane lipids
�I�[�K�i�C�U�[�F�R�� �֎q�i���R��j�C�{�V �~�v�i���Ɍ�����j
X�����R�d�q���[�U�[�{��SACLA���������������̐V�W�JNew developments in biophysical studies with X-ray free electron laser at the SACLA
�I�[�K�i�C�U�[�F��n �ۏ��iSpring-8�j�C���{ �j���iKEK�j
�`���[�u�����̍\���X�C�b�`���O�Ƃ��̐����I�Ӌ`Conformational switching of tubulin and its physiological function
�I�[�K�i�C�U�[�F�㑺 �T���i������j�C���� �x�q�i�����j
���𑜌��w�������̃��C�t�T�C�G���X�ւ̓W�JPrinciples and applications of super resolution microscopy in recent life science
�I�[�K�i�C�U�[�F���� �O�i�Y�����j�C���c �c���i����j
���I�\�������Ȋw��V���z����Z�pNovel measurement techniques for visualizing 'live' protein molecules at work
�I�[�K�i�C�U�[�F���c �I�M�i����j�C�_�c ���i���j
���������\�������̍őO��Frontier of the study of lipid-active structures
�I�[�K�i�C�U�[�F���R ���i���j�C�O�� �����i�k��j
�厩�R�x�_�C�i�~�N�X����"�����Ă�����"�̋L�q��Description of 'living state' based on high-dimensional cellular dynamics
�I�[�K�i�C�U�[�F���V �́i�����j�C���q �M�F�i����j
���̕��q�̋@�\�𐧌䂷��_�炩��Functions of biomolecules controlled by flexibility
�I�[�K�i�C�U�[�F�_�� �G���i���H��j�C�� �d�F�i����j
�V�����̍����ƍ\���`���ߒ��ɐ��ސ��������wBiophysics underlying the synthesis and folding of nascent polypeptide chains
�I�[�K�i�C�U�[�F��t �����i���k��j�C�c�� ����i�����j
ATP������������݂��鎞��ԓ������̌`��Formation of spatiotemporal dynamic ordering mediated by ATP hydrolysis
�I�[�K�i�C�U�[�F���R �i�i���j�C���R �����i����j
�����Ɛ����̋��E��T�鍇�������wSynthetic biology exploring the border between life and material
�I�[�K�i�C�U�[�F�s�� ����i���j�C�×� �O�ǁi���j
GPCR�̑��l���A�����Ă��̋@�\�����֎��鑽�l�ȃA�v���[�`Diversity of GPCRs, and multimodal approach to understanding their functions
�I�[�K�i�C�U�[�F���� �b���i����j�C���� �����i�����j
���̃}�V�i���[�ɂ�����͔����Ɛi���̋��ʌ���Principles and evolution for force generation in bio-nanomachines
�I�[�K�i�C�U�[�F��� �O�i���j�C�{�c �^�l�i���s��j
�i�m�ƃ}�N�����q�������d�q�������A�v���[�`Advanced electron microscopy: A new world view of mesoscale biology
�I�[�K�i�C�U�[�F���i �쐶�i��H��j�C���c �[��i�v���đ�j
�`�����̑��ݍ�p�Ɠ��I���̍\���ω�Dynamical structural change of proteins upon interaction with biomolecules
�I�[�K�i�C�U�[�F���� ��i����j�C���c �p�����i�T���g���[�����Ȋw���c�j
�|���v�A�y�f�A���[�^�[�A�@�\�̌��FpKaKey role of pKa on functions of pump, enzyme, and motor
�I�[�K�i�C�U�[�F�g�c �I���i���j�C�c�� �ɒm�N�i����j
�����̐������ۂ��\�ɂ���ގ��\���ɂ�鑽�l�ȃ��K���h�F���@�\Mechanisms of diverged ligand recognition by similar protein structures for higher-order biological processes
�I�[�K�i�C�U�[�F�[�� ����i����j�C��� �~���i����j
�זE�ɋ߂Â��\�������Ȋw�̍őO��Frontiers of structural life science approaching to cellular phenomena
�I�[�K�i�C�U�[�F���� �q�v�i�����j�C�g�� ��p�i����j
�ŐV�n�C�u���b�h�A�v���[�`�ɂ��@�\�\�����State-of-the-art hybrid methods for structural analysis of macromolecular complexes at functional state
�I�[�K�i�C�U�[�F��� �����i���j�CFlorence Tama�i�����j
�d�C�����w�I�A�v���[�`�ɂ�閌�^���p�N���\���@�\����Electrophysiological approaches for structure and function of membrane proteins
�I�[�K�i�C�U�[�F���� �S��Y�i���j�C���� �_��i�����j
�A�����^���p�N���̃_�C�i�~�N�XDynamics of membrane transport proteins
�I�[�K�i�C�U�[�F��� �T�i������j�C�\ �O�u�i���R��j
�זE��f�đ��삷�鐶�������I�A�v���[�`New biophysical approaches to explore and manipulate cells
�I�[�K�i�C�U�[�F�Γn �M��i����j�C�n�� �ꐽ�i�w�K�@��j
���_�Ǝ����̓����I�A�v���[�`���������������̒����\���@- ���q����g�D�܂� -Towards understanding origins of order through integrated approach of experiments and theory -From molecules to tissue-
�I�[�K�i�C�U�[�F���V �����i���ʐM���j�C�J�� �告�i����j
�������q���S����������Biological events operated by small number of biomolecules
�I�[�K�i�C�U�[�F�i�� �����i���j�C�� �H�F�i���j
�^���p�N�����������������V�X�e���̕��q���x����́F���a���ʂ���זE������Protein structures and functions in multi-component systems: From hydration to intracellular environment
�I�[�K�i�C�U�[�F�g�� ���O�i����j�C���� �L�K�i���j
���̕��q�ɂ����郌�A�C�x���g�̒T��Exploring rare events in biomolecular systems
�I�[�K�i�C�U�[�F���� �O�m�i�����j�C���V �N���i�ߋE��j
�l�H�זE��n��E�������E���p����Artificial cells: Preparation, application, and activation
�I�[�K�i�C�U�[�F���� �c�i�c��j�C�X�c ��@�i���H��j