Abstract submission: June 20th (Mon) � July 20th (Wed), 2016 18:00JST
27th (Wed)
Abstract Submission including editing and withdrawal has been closed.
Thank you very much for your abstract submission.
27th (Wed)
Abstract Submission including editing and withdrawal has been closed.
Thank you very much for your abstract submission.
■ Symposia are consist of symposiast who are assigned by organizers.
■ Presentation style of free papers is poster only.
1. Requirements for Presenter
Poster presentation: To submit an abstract for Poster Presentation, BSJ membership is required.
- If your affiliation is in Japan and you are not a member of BSJ, please complete to register to be a BSJ member via BSJ website beforehand.
- If your affiliation is outside Japan and you are not a member of BSJ, you can submit an abstract. In this case, registration fee is charged at Member rates.
- Members of the Physical Society of Japan, the Biophysical Society of Australia, or the Japanese Society of Microscopy can submit abstracts as same condition as BSJ members.
For the submission of an abstract for symposium, BSJ membership is not required.
- Symposium speakers can also submit an abstract for Poster Presentation.
2. Online Submission
- Please submit your abstract via �Online Registration� of this website.
- Presentation style of free papers is poster only.
- Please note it would expect the online system not to work smoothly just before the deadline because of heavy access traffic.
- Title and abstract must be written in English.
3. Confirm /Edit / Withdrawal of Submitted Abstracts
You may confirm, edit or withdraw your abstract during the submission period as many times as you need. But you cannot do so after the submission period is closed.
4. Information for Symposium Presentations
Please bring a laptop with you for your presentation. A projector is equipped in each lecture room.
Prepare your slides in English and give your presentation in English. Further information will be released later.
5. Information for Flash Talk of Young Poster Award selection
Please make 2 minutes oral presentation with 1 slide. Prepare your slides in English and give your
presentation in English. Further information will be released later.
6. Information for Poster Presentations
A poster must be written in English.Posters will be replaced every day for the next poster presentations.
Further information will be released later.