Greetings |
Warm Welcome from Chair of EABS & BSJ 2006 |
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 5th East Asian Biophysics Symposium & the 44th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan (EABS & BSJ 2006), I am pleased to welcome you all to the congress to be held from November 12 to 16, 2006, at Okinawa Convention Center, which is located near a beautiful beach of Okinawa, Japan.
The East Asian Biophysics Symposium (EABS), held every three years under the auspices of the EABS Steering Committee, has been providing members of regional biophysics societies of China Beijing, China Taipei, Hong Kong, Japan and Korea with an international forum on a broad field of pure and applied biophysics to promote scientific progress. The Biophysical Society of Japan (BSJ) is very pleased to host EABS and decided to have a joint congress with its 44th Annual Meeting.
Okinawa was chosen as a venue because Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST: https://www.oist.jp/), a new graduate university that the Japanese government has been keen to establish as an international center of excellence that conducts "best in the world" quality research and education, is currently planning its campus facilities and recruiting faculty members and postdoctral fellows from over the world. OIST certainly needs to attract many young, bright scientists, and EABS & BSJ 2006 would be an excellent opportunity for potential candidates to look into their career development possibility in OIST.
Another special feature of the 5th EABS is that the EABS Steering Committee decided to expand the geographical regions of participating societies to Asia and Oceania to make this congress a truly inter-Asia-Oceania biophysics forum, which will stand as one of the core regional centers of the International Union of Pure and Applied Biophysics (IUPAB).
Okinawa, the southernmost prefecture of Japan, consists of many islands of beautiful beach resorts and subtropical weather, and it has its own unique culture that you would enjoy. We sincerely extend our heartfelt invitation to you and hope that you will attend EABS & BSJ 2006 to make this event full of intellectual stimulation and scientific excitements. |
Prof. Keiichi Namba
Chair of the Organizing Committee
EABS & BSJ 2006
Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences, Osaka University |
Greeting from President of the Biophysical Society of Japan |
I am pleased to welcome all of you to join the EABS & BSJ 2006 congress.
The Biophysical Society of Japan (BSJ) was founded about a half century ago, and this congress is our 44th Annual Meeting. The East Asian Biophysics Symposium (EABS) is held every three years under the auspices of the EABS Committee, providing an international forum on a broad field of pure and applied biophysics to members of national biophysics societies in East Asia. This year, the Biophysical Society of Japan (BSJ) is very pleased to host the 5th EABS and decided to have a joint congress. In this congress, besides member societies, people from several societies of Asia and Oceania are joining for the first time, and this will make EABS a truly inter-Asia-Oceania biophysics forum, which will stand as a core regional center of the International Union of Pure and Applied Biophysics (IUPAB).
The Program Committee has received 1190 abstracts and the number of the total presentations will be as large as 1360, including 170 invited lectures. More than 30 symposia will cover all research fields of biophysics, and we have 8 plenary lectures. Excellent papers will be selected for Poster Award for Young Researchers by BSJ.
Okinawa has been chosen as a venue because it is the most southern prefecture of Japan, relatively close to many participating countries and regions. So, Okinawa is the bridge between Japan and other Asian and Oceanian countries and regions. It is also a beautiful place with its own unique culture, and I therefore hope that besides the exciting scientific program, you would have time to discover many beautiful islands of Okinawa, its beach resorts, subtropical weather, as well as its culture.
On the behalf of the Biophysical Society of Japan, I heartily welcome you to the EABS & BSJ 2006 meeting. I wish you a wonderful time, great discussion and new ideas for research.
Thank you very much for your active participation. |
Prof. Shigeki Mitaku
The Biophysical Society of Japan, President
Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University |