
「Biophysics and Physicobiology」にHiroyuki Iwamoto “Effects of myosin inhibitors on the X-ray diffraction patterns of relaxed and calcium-activated rabbit skeletal muscle fibers”を掲載

2018 April 27 BPPB

日本生物物理学会欧文誌[Biophysics and Physicobiology]に以下の論文が新規掲載されました。

Hiroyuki Iwamoto “Effects of myosin inhibitors on the X-ray diffraction patterns of relaxed and calcium-activated rabbit skeletal muscle fibers”

Effects of myosin inhibitors on the X-ray diffraction patterns of rabbit skeletal muscle fibers

X-ray diffraction and mechanical measurements indicate that, in the presence of saturating concentrations of small-molecule myosin inhibitors (BTS, BDM, blebbistatin), many of the Ca-induced activation processes occur normally in rabbit skeletal muscle. The results support the idea that these inhibitors primarily block the force-producing transition after myosin binding to actin.

Biophysics and Physicobiology, Vol.15, pp. 111-120


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