
Recruitment of Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Advanced Life Science, Hokkaido University (Laboratory of Protein Science)

2023 October 19 JOBS

We invite applications for the Tenure-Track position of Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Advanced Life Science, Hokkaido University as follows.

[Recruitment background]
Faculty of Advanced Life Science, Hokkaido University invites applications for an Assistant Professor that will lead to creation of innovations in the field of life sciences. Our facultyl is engaged in a wide range of research and development of measurement and analysis techniques using solution and solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy for biological macromolecules such as proteins and metabolic products. Our goal is to understand and control biomolecules that govern complex biological phenomena, and to develop a creative academic field that integrates not only experimental methods but also computational approaches to elucidate information on their structures and interactions. In order to promote cutting-edge research and education in this field, we welcome a wide range of individuals with highly specialized knowledge and research experience in both experimental and computational methods.

Faculty of Advanced Life Science

[Research Area]
Biophysics, Structural Biology, Spectroscopy, Protein Science

[Duties and Responsibilities]
The successful candidate will be engaged in education and research in the Faculty of Advanced Life Science, the Graduate School of Life Sciences, and the School of Science (including general education for undergraduate students), and will also be responsible for administrative duties such as serving on various committees in the university and the graduate school. After assuming the position, he/she will promote the research on protein science in cooperation with Professor Aizawa.

[Subjects in charge and facility management]
Graduate courses for Transdisciplinary Life Science Course in Division of Life Science or Division of Soft Matter including subjects conducted in English. For undergraduate course, specialized course for department of Biological Sciences (Macromolecular Functions) in School of Science. Additionally, there are common subjects offered for the School of Science, as well as general education courses for undergraduate students.

[Number of positions]
A Tenure-Track Position for the role of Assistant Professor. The position is eligible for tenure, and the initial contract period is set for 5 years. During this contract period (maximum 5 years), interim assessments and tenure reviews will take place to evaluate the applicant's suitability for the tenure position. Based on the assessment outcomes, the applicant will either continue in the tenure position or be reappointed to a tenure-track position for an additional 5 years. Depending on the results of the interim assessments, early transition to an assistant professor in the tenure position may be made.

[Work location]
Kita-8 Nishi-10, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido

[Desired Start Date]
As soon as possible after April 1, 2024.

(1) The candidate must hold a doctoral degree, or an equivalent degree such as a PhD from overseas universities, which has been conferred or will be conferred prior to their arrival at the post.
(2) The ideal candidate should be familiar with experimental science (e.g., Various spectroscopic analysis methods such as nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, molecular biology methods, etc.) and computational science (e.g., molecular simulation), and have a desire to promote research and education on proteins and other biomolecules.

[Salary] The salary will be determined in accordance with the university's regulations.

[Probation period] The probation period is three months.

[Working Form] Discretionary labor system for professional work.
*The working hours for a day is deemed as 7 hours and 45 minutes.

[Holidays] Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays provided for in the National Holidays Act, days from December 29th until January 3rd of the following year, other days determined by the University

[Insurance] Social insurance status (Mutual Association of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology), Workers' accident compensation insurance and employment insurance (applicable)

[Name of Recruiting Institution] Hokkaido University

[Status of passive smoking prevention measures] No smoking on campus, except for specific outdoor smoking areas

[Application Deadline]
The deadline for submitting applications is December 8, 2023 (JST).

[Documents to be submitted]
(1) Curriculum vitae including a photograph and records of awards. *Provide detailed information on any experience working for Hokkaido University after April 1, 2013, including positions such as part-time lecturer, teaching assistant (TA), teaching fellow (TF), research assistant (RA), and any other relevant part-time work, if applicable.
(2) List of research achievements
a) Refereed original articles (Please mark the corresponding author with an asterisk "*"). The list should include the number of citations and impact factor of each journal.
b) Commentaries and reviews
c) Books
d) Patents (Specify pending/granted and domestic/ international)
e) Invited lecture at conferences
f) Grants awarded (Provide a description of representative grants or shared grants)
g) Societal contributions
h) h-index of the applicant along with the name of database used.
(3) Summary of major research achievements to date (A4 paper; 2 pages or less)
(4) Research proposal and educational policy for the future (A4 paper; 2 pages or less)
(5) List of the names and contact information (affiliation, address, and e-mail address) of two individuals who can evaluate your work.
(6) Reprints or copies of 3 significant papers

[How to apply]
- Applications can be submitted through the designated Google Form.
- When submitting, please combine (1) through (5) of the documents to be submitted as a single PDF file and set a password. No password is required for (6).
- In the form, candidates will be asked to provide their Publons ID (Researcher ID) or ORCID ID. It is recommended that candidates update their information beforehand.

Google Form:

※Application documents will be used only for the purpose of selection. The University will dispose of all application materials at its own risk after selection.

[Selection process]
If an applicant passes the document screening, an interview will be conducted. Please be noted that the travel fees are not covered for interview attendees.

[Inquiries regarding the application procedure]
Prof. MONDE Kenji
Faculty of Advanced Life Science, Hokkaido University
Kita 10, Nishi 8, Kita-ku, Sapporo Hokkaido 060-0810, Japan
E-mail: adv_apply(AT)
*Change (AT) into @ when sending an e-mail.

[Contact person for scientific subject]
Professor. AIZAWA Tomoyasu
Faculty of Advanced Life Science, Hokkaido University
aizawa_rec (AT)

・At Hokkaido University, we actively promote both education and research while fostering diverse human resources and gender-equality. Therefore, we explicitly invite female researchers qualified in this research field to apply.

・As a measure to promote gender equality in accordance with Article 8 of the Act on Securing, Etc. of Equal Opportunity and Treatment between Men and Women in Employment (Equal Employment Opportunity Law), priority will be given to female researchers if the evaluations are equal in the selection process.

・Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Hokkaido University is working to promote a research environment in which diverse human resources can play an active role, focusing on human resource development for female researchers and support for balancing research activities and family life. For more information, please visit the Promotion Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion website at the following URL.

・We are also actively supporting a satisfying work-life balance and are thus creating ideal environments for people to reach their full potentials. The tenure-track faculty members hired through this recruitment process will undergo mid-term evaluation and tenure review as stipulated by the Faculty of Advanced Life Science, Hokkaido University.

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