
Open Recruitment: Department of Applied Physics, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University【Associate Professor, 1 person】

2024 September 12 JOBS

Responsibilities: The successful applicant is expected to conduct research in new or interdisciplinary fields based on photonics.
For instance, the research will focus on experimental research in advanced optical measurement and analysis, light source development, and/or optical control in combination with information and communication technology, quantum science, material science, and/or life science with a broad perspective from basics to applications. The successful applicant will manage the research independently with his/her own laboratory. The successful applicant will teach undergraduate and graduate classes in the Department of Applied Physics and will also be responsible for the administration and management of the department and the graduate school.

Starting Date: April 1st, 2025 (or as soon as possible thereafter)
Application Deadline: Must arrive no later than November 11, 2024 (Japan
Standard Time)
Term of Employment: No Fixed Term (Until the end of the fiscal year at 65
years of age)

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