
九州工業大学大学院 情報工学研究院・生命情報工学研究系 教員公募
Call for Applications for an Assistant Professor Faculty of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology

2013年12月25日 公募

 九州工業大学大学院 情報工学研究院生命情報工学研究系 生命情報工学部門 助教 1名



(1) 博士あるいはPh.D.の学位を有するか、着任時までに取得見込みの方
(2) 当該分野の教育および先端的研究を担える能力と熱意を有すること。
(3) 外国人の場合には、学内の諸業務の遂行が可能な日本語能力を有する方

着任時期:2014 年8月1日以降の早い時期

(1) 履歴書
(2) 業績リスト(下記項目に分類すること)
※原著論文にはすべて、Corresponding authorに*印を付すとともに、研究のどの部分
(3) 主要論文別刷り 5編以内
(4) 従来の研究と今後の計画(2000字以内)
(5) 教育経験および抱負(2000字以内)
(6) 競争的資金および外部資金(科学研究費補助金、その他の助成金、共同研究・受託
(7) 本人について所見を求め得る研究者2名の氏名、所属、連絡先



 〒820-8502 福岡県飯塚市川津680-4
 九州工業大学大学院 情報工学研究院(学部)生命情報工学研究系(学科)
 研究系長(学科長) 安永卓生 宛

1. Number of positions: One assistant professor position
2. Affiliation: Department of Bioscience and Bioinformatics

3. Outline:
The department of bioscience and bioinformatics, school of computer science and systems engineering, Kyushu institute of technology (Kyutech), a Japanese national university, established in 1907 in the city of Kita-Kyushu, invites applications for a position in the field of bioscience and bioinformatics at the Assistant Professor level. We seek to hire an individual who is a leading-edge researcher in mainly experimental and analytical studies of highly organized functions and architectures of life such as cells, tissues, organs and the whole organisms.

4.Content of work:
[1]To research a leading-edge field of Bioscience and Bioinformatics, especially experimental studies of highly organized functions and architectures of life such as cells, tissues, organs, and the whole organisms.
[2] To educate the undergraduate students concerning experimental techniques.
[3]To assist graduate/undergraduate education and research with a professor whose research is interesting
[4] To help entrance examination.
[5]To carry out management and administration duties as a university academic staff.

[1]To have a Ph.D. or equivalent degree, or expect to obtain the degree by the starting date.
[2]To have the ability and enthusiasm to take the education and research.
[3]To have the ability of Japanese to manage university duties.
* The institute values diversity and is committed to equality. Female researchers are encouraged to apply.

6. Period: Permanent position

7. Starting date: As soon as possible after August 1st, 2014

8. Application documents:
[1] Curriculum Vitae
Photo attached, Birth date, Nationality, Present address, Telephone number for contact, e-mail address, Educational history (after high school graduation), Work experience including education/training history, any qualifications (licenses), Honors, Social activities, Others
[2] List of publications
Thesis, Papers in refereed journal, Conference proceedings, Books, Reviews, Invited lectures in the international conference, Patents, Prizes for publications and others.
・ All of the original papers shall be referred to corresponding authors by the asterisk and be
accompanied with the part in charge of the research.
・ Five main articles shall be indicated by a circle and accompanied with a brief summary,respectively.
[3] Five reprints of main articles
[4] Research achievement and proposal (Less than 800 words)
[5] Teaching experience and an ambitious and visionary approach to education (Less than 800 words)
[6] List of competitive research grants obtained
[7] Name, e-mail address and phone number of two referees
[8] Self-assessment of the ability of Japanese language

9. Dead line for receiving Assistant Professor applications: March 15, 2014

10. Selection process:
After screening based on the application package, an interview will be held directly or online if necessary.

11. Submission and inquiry:
Please send the application package to the following via air-mail or e-mail. Prof. Takuo Yasunaga
Department of Bioscience and Bioinformatics,
Faculty of Computer Science and Systems Engineering,
Kyushu Institute of Technology
680-4, Kawazu, Iizuka, Fukuoka, JAPAN, 820-8502
Telephone +81-948-29-7826
If you have any question, please send e-mail.
Email: yasunaga(at)bio.kyutech.ac.jp
迷惑メール対策のため、メールアドレスの(at)を@に置き換えてください。 (Please use at sign instead of (at).)

URL: http://www.iizuka.kyutech.ac.jp/
