2020年08月07日 公募
募集人員: 教授 1 名
所 属: 大学院理学研究科 生命科学専攻 生体物質機能解析学部門 生体分子生合成分野。
(註 1)当講座研究室は、姫路工学キャンパスに設置されています。
(註 2)理学部では1年次は姫路工学キャンパスで学び、2年次以降は生命科学専攻の多くの研究室が設置されている播磨理学キャンパスに移ります。
研究分野等: 細胞生物学の重要な問題に、構造生物学的手法を用いて研究を展開している方を求めます。なお、本分野には山内大輔准教授と中井朋則助教が在職しています。
応募資格: 博士の学位を有し、上記の研究と教育を行うための充分な実績と熱意をお持ちの方。
着任時期: 2021年4月1日(木)(予定)
任期: なし
応募締切: 2020年10月5日必着
※ 当研究科のホームページの URL は https://www.sci.u-hyogo.ac.jp です。
問い合わせ先:〒678-1297 兵庫県赤穂郡上郡町光都3丁目2番1号
兵庫県立大学大学院生命理学研究科 吉田秀郎
TEL: 0791-58-0212(直通)、E-mail: hide(at)sci.u-hyogo.ac.jp
Position Announcement Graduate School of Life Science University of Hyogo
Position: A full-time, tenured Professor position.
Affiliation:Plant Cell and Developmental Biology, Division of Functional Analysis of Biomolecules, Department of Life Science,
Graduate School of Science, University of Hyogo.
*The laboratory is located at the Himeji Campus for Engineering.
*First graders and second-fourth graders of the department study at the Himeji Campus for Engineering and at the Harima Campus for Science where most of laboratories of the department reside, respectively.
Research field: We encourage applicants who have been studying major issues of cell biology with technologies of structural biology.
*This laboratory has two staff members at present, Associate Professor Daisuke Yamauchi and Assistant Professor Tomonori Nakai.
1. Doctoral degree.
2. Demonstrated ability to advise students at the undergraduate and graduate levels to obtain the degree.
3. Willingness to participate in teaching courses for Japanese and international undergraduate and graduate students, and administrative duties.
4. Strong expertise and evidence of success in life science research.
5. English fluency sufficient to teach and guide international students.
6. Japanese language proficiency is mandatory.
Term: The contract will start on April 1, 2021.
Note: University of Hyogo has the retirement age of 65 years old for this position.
Application deadline: October 5, 2020
For more information: Click here (PDF)
If you have any questions, please send an email to hide(at)sci.u-hyogo.ac.jp (in English or Japanese).
1) University of Hyogo is an equal opportunity employer. Applications from female researchers as well as
non-Japanese researchers are encouraged.
2) The submitted information will be strictly managed under the privacy policy of University of Hyogo and will be used only for this selection.
Email: hide(at)sci.u-hyogo.ac.jp
迷惑メール対策のため、メールアドレスの(at)を@に置き換えてください。 (Please use at sign instead of (at).)
URL: https://www.sci.u-hyogo.ac.jp