
On 1st September 2022, we invite the following four new Editorial Board members for the Biophysics and Physicobiology (BPPB)

2022年09月02日 学会誌

Prof. Jie Yan (SNU, Singapore), Prof. Gautam Basu (Bose Inst., India), Prof. Raymond S. Norton (Monash Univ., Australia), and Prof. Steve Pressé (Arizona State Univ., USA).

In addition, we invite Prof. Lee-Wei Yang (National Tsing-Hua Univ. Taiwan) as a new Associate Editor, and Prof. Robert E. Campbell (Univ. Alberta, Canada), Prof. Soichi Wakatsuki (Stanford Univ., USA), and Dr. Damien R. Hall (Kanazawa Univ., Japan) as new Advisory Board members.
