第13回 (2024) |
小島 慧一、渡邉宙志、土井 聡子、三好 菜月、加藤岬、石北 央、須藤 雄気(岡山大) |
Mutational analysis of the conserved carboxylates of anion channelrhodopsin-2 (ACR2) expressed in Escherichia coli and their roles in anion transport(Vol. 15 Pages 179-188) |
第12回 (2023) | 山内 夢叶、今野 雅恵、伊藤 奨太、角田 聡、井上 圭一、神取 秀樹(名工大) | Molecular properties of a DTD channelrhodopsin from Guillardia theta(Vol.14, pp.57-66) |
高田 彰二(京大) | Gō model revisited (Vol. 16, pp. 248-255) |
第11回 (2022) | 北村 朗 (北大) | Determination of diffusion coefficients in live cells using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching with wide-field fluorescence microscopy (Vol.15, pp.1-7) |
第10回 (2021) | 木下 正弘 (千葉大) | Physicochemical origin of high correlation between thermal stability of a protein and its packing efficiency: a theoretical study for staphylococcal nuclease mutants (Vol.12, pp.1-12) |
第9回 (2020) | 坂野貴子、Md. Iqbal Mahamood、山下雄史、藤谷秀章(東大) | Molecular dynamics analysis to evaluate docking pose prediction (Vol.13, pp.181-194) |
第8回 (2019) | David J. Castillo(阪大) & 中村 修一(東北大) | The C-terminal periplasmic domain of MotB is responsible for load-dependent control of the number of stators of the bacterial flagellar motor (Vol.9 pp. 173-181) |
第7回 (2018) | 中村 由樹 (理研) | Switching of the positive feedback for RAS activation by a concerted function of SOS membrane association domains (Vol.13 pp.1-11) |
第6回 (2017) | 川端 猛 (阪大) | LigandBox: A database for 3D structures of chemical compounds (Vol.9 pp.113-121) |
第5回 (2016) | 須藤雄気 (岡山大) | Comparative study of the ion flux pathway in stator units of proton- and sodium-driven flagellar motors (Vol.5 pp.45-52) |
第4回 (2015) | 林 智彦 (京大) | Full-Quantum chemical calculation of the absorption maximum of bacteriorhodopsin: a comprehensive analysis of the amino acid residues contributing to the opsin shift (Vol.8 pp.115-125) |
第3回 (2014) | 金城 玲 (阪大) | Similarity search for local protein structures at atomic resolution by exploiting a atabase management system (Vol.3 pp.75-84) |
第2回 (2013) | 目次正一 (中外製薬) | Sequence analysis of the gliding protein Gli349 in Mycoplasma mobile (vol.1, pp.33-43) |
第1回 (2012) | 古澤 力 (理研) | Ubiquity of log-normal distributions in intra-cellular reaction dynamics(vol.1, pp.25-31) |