
会員資格変更および所属変更の手続きのお願い/Request for update for your membership status and affiliation

2025年03月18日 会員へ

会員各位/Dear members

We would like to ask you to update your membership status before the start of the new fiscal year of the Biophysical Society of Japan that is May 1st.

1)一般会員からシニア会員への切り替え/ Change from Regular Member to Senior Member 
If you are 65 years of age or older and not in full-time employment, you may be eligible for Senior Member. The annual membership fee is 4,500 yen. Please complete the Form for Membership Status Change (for Senior Members) and email it to the Society Secretariat (bsj@nacos.com).

2)一般会員から終身会員への切り替え/ Change from Regular Member to Life Member
Regular members, who are 65 years or older, who have not held a full-time or part-time position, and who have been the regular member of the Society for a total of 25 years or more, are exempted from paying membership fees for life. Please email the Society Secretariat (bsj@nacos.com) with the filled Membership Change Form (for Life Members).

3)学生会員から一般会員への切り替え/ Change from Student Member to Regular Member
*なお2022年度以前入会の学生会員の皆様へは3/17 12時20分頃ご案内をお送りしております。
Please contact the Society Secretariat (bsj@nacos.com) and inform us of your wish to change your membership status.
*Information will be sent to student members who joined before 2022 at around 12.20 pm on 17 March. Please check if applicable.

4)退会する場合/ Resignation
If you wish to resign from the Society, please contact the Secretariat (bsj@nacos.com).

5)休会/Temporal leave of membership
Regular and student members who are temporarily unable to participate in the activities of the Society due to study abroad, work abroad, medical treatment, childbirth or childcare, etc., may be excused from paying membership fees and continue their status as a general or student member for a maximum of two years. Please complete the "Leave ofAbsence Form" and send it to the Secretariat (bsj@nacos.com).

6)住所変更など/Change of address, etc.
Please update your information through the online membership information service (clara).
