
Biophysics and Physicobiology Editors' Choice Award 歴代受賞者

氏名(所属) 論文名
高田 彰二
Removing the parachuting artifact using two-way scanning data in high¬speed atomic force microscopy
八木 俊樹
Regulation of motor activity of ciliary outer-arm dynein by the light chain 1; Implications from the structure of the light chain bound to the microtubule-binding domain of the heavy chain
Tony Z. Jia
Recent progress in primitive polyester synthesis and membraneless microdroplet assembly
荒川 和晴
Molecular mechanisms of the high performance of spider silks revealed through multi-omics analysis
望月 敦史
Controlling complex dynamical systems based on the structure of the networks
奥村 久士
Inhibition of amyloid-β(16–22) aggregation by polyphenols using replica permutation with solute tempering molecular dynamics simulation
神田 大輔
Residue-based correlation between equilibrium and rate constants is an experimental formulation of the consistency principle for smooth structural changes of proteins
肥後 順一
Binding free-energy landscapes of small molecule binder and non-binder to FMN riboswitch: All-atom molecular dynamics
John L. Spudich
(University of Texas)
Potassium-selective channelrhodopsins
横田 浩章
Quantitative and kinetic single-molecule analysis of DNA unwinding by Escherichia coli UvrD helicase
鈴木 誉保
Phenotypic systems biology for organisms:Concepts, methods and case studies
伊藤 悦朗
Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex sensing analgesia
寺川 剛
Coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations of base-pair mismatch recognition protein MutS sliding along DNA
粟津 暁紀(広島大)
小本 哲史(広島大)
Epigenetic-structural changes in Xchromosomes promote Xic pairing during early differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells
荒磯 裕平(広島大)
小本 哲史(広島大)
Structural overview of the translocase of the mitochondrial outer membrane complex
佐甲 靖志
Biphasic spatiotemporal regulation of GRB2 dynamics by p52SHC for transient RAS activation
吉留 崇
A measure for the identification of preferred particle orientations in cryo-electron microscopy data: A simulation study
織田 昌幸
Structural basis for Ca2+-dependent catalysis of a cutinase-like enzyme and its engineering: application to enzymatic PET depolymerization
入江 克雅
The insights into calcium ion selectivity provided by ancestral prokaryotic ion channels
中村 彰彦
Crystalline chitin hydrolase is a burnt-bridge Brownian motor
佐藤 竜馬
Theoretical insights into the DNA repair function of Arabidopsis thaliana cryptochrome-DASH
石森 浩一郎
Uncovering dehydration in cytochrome c refolding from urea- and guanidine hydrochloride-denatured unfolded state by high pressure spectroscopy (Vol. 16, pp. 18-27)
河合 正隆
(University of Iowa)
Functional significance of HCM mutants of tropomyosin, V95A and D175N, studied with in vitro motility assays (Vol. 16, pp. 28-40)
市村 垂生(理研)、
渡邉 朋信(理研)
Second harmonic generation polarization microscopy as a tool for protein structure analysis (Vol. 16, pp. 147-157)
岡 浩太郎
Food deprivation changes chemotaxis behavior in Caenorhabditis elegans (Vol. 16, pp. 167-172)
郷 信広
Snake Cube Puzzle and Protein Folding (Vol. 16, pp. 256-263)
Lihsin Lee Bohr equation and the lost allosteric Bohr effects in Symmetry (Vol. 16, pp. 490-503)
岩本 裕之
Effects of myosin inhibitors on the X-ray diffraction patterns of relaxed and calcium-activated rabbit skeletal muscle fibers (Vol.15-p.111-120)
笹井 理生
Single-molecular and Ensemble-level Oscillations of Cyanobacterial Circadian Clock (Vol.15-p.136-150)
Prabhakar M. Dongre
(University of Mumbai)
Inhibition of Crude Viper Venom Action by Silver Nanoparticles – A Biophysical and Biochemical Study (Vol.15-p. 204-213)
鈴木 和也
Mechanical properties of spindle poles are symmetrically balanced (Vol.14-p.1-11)
Alemeh Zamani
Kinetic characteristics of chimeric channelrhodopsins implicate the molecular identity involved in desensitization (Vol.14-p.13-22)
山内 夢叶
Molecular properties of a DTD channelrhodopsin from Guillardia theta (Vol.14-p.57-66)
島袋 勝弥
Demonstration of correlative atomic force and transmission electron microscopy using actin cytoskeleton (Vol.14-p.111-117)
夏目 季代久
The change of picrotoxin-induced epileptiform discharges to the beta oscillation by carbachol in rat hippocampal slices (Vol.14-p.137-146)
Laycock Stephen
(University of East Anglia)
Determination of locked interfaces in biomolecular complexes using Haptimol_RD (Vol.13, pp.97-103)
由良 敬
Conformational shift in the closed state of GroEL induced by ATP-binding triggers a transition to the open state (Vol.13, pp.127-134)
石渡 信一
Model simulation of the SPOC wave in a bundle of striated myofibrils (Vol.13, pp.217-226)
佐藤 竜馬
Theoretical Analyses on a Flipping Mechanism of UV-Induced DNA Damage (Vol.13, pp.311-319)
Chih-Cheng Chen
(Academia Sinica)
Electrophysiological characteristics of IB4-negative TRPV1-expressing muscle afferent DRG neurons (Vol. 11, pp. 9-16)
Lever arm extension of myosin VI is unnecessary for the adjacent binding state (Vol. 11, pp. 47-53)
Specific interactions between alkali metal cations and the KcsA channel studied using ATR-FTIR spectroscopy (Vol. 12, pp. 37-45)
藤原 悟
Structures of the Troponin Core Domain Containing the Cardiomyopathy-Causing Mutants Studied by Small-Angle X-ray Scattering (Vol. 12, pp. 145-158)
Mapping of the local environmental changes in proteins by cysteine scanning (Vol. 10, pp.1-7)
Microscopic heat pulse-induced calcium dynamics in single WI-38 fibroblasts (Vol. 10, pp. 109-119)
Electrophysiological characteristics of feeding-related neurons after taste avoidance Pavlovian conditioning in Lymnaea stagnalis (Vol. 10, pp.121-133)
茶圓 茂
Single turnovers of fluorescent ATP bound to bipolar myosin filament during actin ilaments sliding(Vol. 9, pp. 13-20)
Development of a rapid Buffer-exchange system for time-resolved ATR-FTIR spectroscopy with the step-scan mode(Vol. 9, pp. 123-129)
