
Biophysical Society 58th Annual Meeting

2013年03月12日 会合

Date: February 15-19, 2014
Location: San Francisco, California

Abstract Submission Opens: July 1, 2013
Abstract Submission Deadline: October 1, 2013
Registration Opens: July 1, 2013

 The Annual Meeting is held each year in February or March. With over 6,000
 attendees, the meeting is the largest gathering of biophysicists around the
 world. More than 3,500 abstracts are submitted each year, which are
 programmed into poster and platform sessions.

 The meeting includes Symposia, Workshops, Minisymposia, Subgroup
 programs, and the National Lecture, as well as Educational Exhibits, Exhibitor
 Presentations, and Committee Events.

 The Biophysical Society office
 240-290-5600 (phone) 240-290-5555 (fax)
Email: meetings(at)biophysics.org
迷惑メール対策のため、メールアドレスの(at)を@に置き換えてください。 (Please use at sign instead of (at).)

URL: http://www.biophysics.org/2014meeting
