
「Biophysics and Physicobiology」に 〈Special Issue: "Protein-Ligand Interactions"〉 Yuka Suzuki et al. “Conformational shift in the closed state of GroEL induced by ATP-binding triggers a transition to the open state”を掲載

2016年07月15日 学会誌

日本生物物理学会欧文誌[Biophysics and Physicobiology]に以下の論文が新規掲載されました。

Yuka Suzuki, Kei Yura
“Conformational shift in the closed state of GroEL induced by ATP-binding triggers a transition to the open state”

Conformational shift in the closed state of GroEL induced by ATP-binding triggers a transition to the open state

GroEL is a chaperonin that undergoes a conformational change from a closed state to an open state. This change requires ATP, but does not require ATP hydrolysis. To investigate the role of ATP in the conformational change, we conducted computer simulations using Elastic Network Model. We found that an ATP molecule behaves as a blockage that induces a population shift and increases the population of conformation that can lead to the open state conformation and decreases the population of conformation that cannot reach the open state conformation.

Biophysics and Physicobiology, Vol.13, pp. 127-134

