
オーストラリア生物物理学会年会に参加しませんか?/The ASB meeting is going virtual! Dec 2-4, 2020

2020年11月12日 会合



日本からは佐藤慎哉さん(京大)がチェアを務め、佐藤さん、大友康平さん(生理研・根本知己先生 研究室)、片山耕太さん(名工大・神取秀樹先生 研究室)の若手3人が発表します。


以下から registration できます。簡単な情報を入力し、"Please select your type of registration" のプルダウンメニューで "BSJ member" を選ぶだけです。


日本生物物理学会 国際担当理事 西坂崇之

Dear BSJ member,

You all are very welcomed to join the annual meeting of the Australian Society of Biophysics (ASB).

The ASB meeting is going virtual! Dec2-4, 2020

The Biophysical Society of Japan (BSJ) has an agreement with the ASB since 2005, allowing members to freely participate in each other's annual meetings.
This year's ASB annual meeting will be held online, a really unique opportunity for our participation.
All you have to do is to register and you can listen to all the English lectures free of charge while being in Japan. Besides, there is almost no time difference.

Remarkably, the Australia-Japan Joint Symposium will be held on the morning of December 3rd (Thursday).
From Japan, Shinya Sato (Kyoto University) will chair the event, and Shinya, Kohei Otomo (Nemoto Tomomi Laboratory, National Research Institute of Nature and Science) and Kota Katayama (Professor Hideki Kandori Laboratory, Nagoya Institute of Technology) will give presentations at the event.

All researchers interested in international exchange, students keen to listen to English lectures, and young researchers with great potential will surely enjoy the meeting.

You can register from the following URL:
(Enter your information, and then select the 'BSJ member' from "Please select your type of registration" pull-down menu.)

Please join!

Takayuki Nishizaka
Administration Officer for International Affairs in Biophysical Society of Japan
Executive Committee in Asian Biophysics Association
Professor, Dept. Phys., Gakushuin University
