2021年05月25日 賞・助成
主催団体: 国際純粋および応用物理学連合(IUPAP)
締め切り: 2021年7月16日
連絡先: 名古屋大学 笹井理生 masakisasai(at)nagoya-u.jp
迷惑メール対策のため、メールアドレスの(at)を@に置き換えてください。 (Please use at sign instead of (at).)
国際純粋および応用物理学連合(IUPAP) Young Scientist Prize in Biological Physics の推薦募集を始めました。
2020年と2021年受賞者の2人が選考される予定です。 過去の受賞者については以下のサイトをご覧ください。
IUPAP Website: http://iupap.org/young-scientist-prize/
1.賞の内容:1,000 EURの賞金、メダル、賞状
3.推薦対象者:2012年5月1日以降に学位取得の人(2020年賞)、2013年5月1日以降に学位取得の人(2021年賞) 女性および少数者グループへの配慮がされます。
4.選考の実施:IUPAP C6委員会にて選考します。
IUPAP C6 Website: http://iupap.org/commissions/c6-biological-physics/
1) 1行での推薦と研究内容の短い説明(300語以内)
2) 履歴書と論文リスト
自己推薦はできませんが、他の方に推薦をお願いすることはOKです。 すべての書類を1つのPDF(2MB以下の容量)にまとめて、
Surname_ysm.pdf(Surnameは姓)という名前をつけたファイル にして、以下のアドレスに送付してください。
Jeff Gore, gore(at)mit.edu, Vice-Chair of C6
Ramin Golestanian, ramin.golestanian(at)ds.mpg.de, Chair of C6,
Masaki Sasai, masakisasai(at)nagoya-u.jp, Secretary of C6.
迷惑メール対策のため、メールアドレスの(at)を@に置き換えてください。 (Please use at sign instead of (at).)
The IUPAP C6 Young Scientist Prize recognizes exceptional achievements of scientists in the field of Biological Physics at a relatively junior stage of their career. The recipient must be no more than eight years post PhD (excluding career interruptions) by the deadline of the competition (see below), is expected to have demonstrated significant scientific achievements, and displays exceptional promise for future achievements in Biological Physics. Two winners will be considered for the prize in 2021 (one prize for 2020 and one for 2021), which will be collectively presented in a virtual ceremony and pair of talks in the Fall of 2021.
The Prize: The individual prize will consist of 1,000 EUR award money, a medal, and a certificate. One prize cannot be shared between several candidates.
Prize Selection: The prize selection committee will consist of all C6 commission members.
IUPAP C6 Website: http://iupap.org/commissions/c6-biological-physics/
Eligibility: The commission will consider nominees with PhD dates after May 1, 2012 for the 2020 prize and after May 1, 2013 for the 2021 prize. IUPAP encourages the nomination of outstanding women and other underrepresented groups.
Application Documents: 1) A suggested one-sentence citation and a brief statement (less than 300 words) summarizing the nominee’s primary research contribution, 2) Curriculum vitae including all publications. Self-nominations are not permitted, but a candidate could ask a mentor or colleague to provide a nomination.
The entire package should be bundled into a single pdf file called Surname_ysm.pdf, where Surname is the candidate’s name. The file must not exceed 2MB in size. Nominations should be send to the chair of the award committee, Jeff Gore, gore(at)mit.edu, Vice-Chair of C6, by e-mail together with cc’s to Ramin Golestanian, ramin.golestanian(at)ds.mpg.de, Chair of C6, and Masaki Sasai, masakisasai(at)nagoya-u.jp, Secretary of C6.
*Please use at sign instead of (at).
Deadline for nomination submission: July 16, 2021.
IUPAP Website: http://iupap.org/young-scientist-prize/