
「Biophysics and Physicobiology」に Kenji Mishima, Mitsuo Shoji, Yasufumi Umena, Mauro Boero, Yasuteru Shigeta による "Estimation of the relative contributions to the electronic energy transfer rates based on Förster theory: The case of C-phycocyanin chromophores" を掲載

2021年09月01日 学会誌

日本生物物理学会欧文誌[Biophysics and Physicobiology]に以下の論文が公開されました。

Kenji Mishima, Mitsuo Shoji, Yasufumi Umena, Mauro Boero, Yasuteru Shigeta
"Estimation of the relative contributions to the electronic energy transfer rates based on Förster theory: The case of C-phycocyanin chromophores"

We propose a logarithmic reformulation of the original Förster theory leading to a simple set of formulae useful to accurately estimate the relative contributions of transition dipole moments of donor and acceptor (chemical factors), their orientation factors (structural factors), intermolecular center-to-center distances (structural factors), spectral overlaps of absorption and emission spectra (photophysical factors), and refractive index (material factor). These allow for the calculation of excitation energy transfer (EET) rate constant and a molecular-level interpretation providing a microscopic insight into the mechanism details. By focusing on the EET in C-phycocyanin chromophores, we show that our formulae are well suited to estimate the relative contributions to the EET rate constant.

Biophysics Physicobiology, 2021, Volume 18, Pages 196-214

URL: https://doi.org/10.2142/biophysico.bppb-v18.021
