「Biophysics and Physicobiology」に Shunsuke Tagami による "Why we are made of proteins and nucleic acids: Structural biology views on extraterrestrial life" をJ-STAGEの早期公開版として掲載
2023年06月02日 学会誌
日本生物物理学会欧文誌[Biophysics and Physicobiology]に以下の論文が早期公開されました。
Shunsuke Tagami
"Why we are made of proteins and nucleic acids: Structural biology views on extraterrestrial life"

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- Abstract
- Is it a miracle that life exists on the Earth, or is it a common phenomenon in the universe? If extraterrestrial organisms exist, what are they like? To answer these questions, we must understand what kinds of molecules could evolve into life, or in other words, what properties are generally required to perform biological functions and store genetic information. This review summarizes recent findings on simple ancestral proteins, outlines the basic knowledge in textbooks, and discusses the generally required properties for biological molecules from structural biology viewpoints (e.g., restriction of shapes, and types of intra- and intermolecular interactions), leading to the conclusion that proteins and nucleic acids are at least one of the simplest (and perhaps very common) forms of catalytic and genetic biopolymers in the universe. This review article is an extended version of the Japanese article, On the Origin of Life: Coevolution between RNA and Peptide, published in SEIBUTSU BUTSURI Vol. 61, p. 232-235 (2021).