
「Biophysics and Physicobiology」に Takashi Ohgita, Hiroki Kono, Norihiro Namba, Hiroyuki Saito による "Physicochemical mechanisms of aggregation and fibril formation of α-synuclein and apolipoprotein A-I" をJ-STAGEの早期公開版として掲載

2023年12月29日 学会誌

日本生物物理学会欧文誌[Biophysics and Physicobiology]に以下の論文が早期公開されました。

Takashi Ohgita, Hiroki Kono, Norihiro Namba, Hiroyuki Saito
"Physicochemical mechanisms of aggregation and fibril formation of α-synuclein and apolipoprotein A-I"


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Deposition and accumulation of amyloid fibrils is a hallmark of a group of diseases called amyloidosis and neurodegenerative disorders. Although polypeptides potentially have a fibril-forming propensity, native proteins have evolved into proper functional conformations to avoid aggregation and fibril formation. Understanding the mechanism for regulation of fibril formation of native proteins provides clues for the rational design of molecules for inhibiting fibril formation. Although fibril formation is a complex multistep reaction, experimentally obtained fibril formation curves can be fitted with the Finke-Watzky (F-W) two-step model for homogeneous nucleation followed by autocatalytic fibril growth. The resultant F-W rate constants for nucleation and fibril formation provide information on the chemical kinetics of fibril formation.

URL: https://doi.org/10.2142/biophysico.bppb-v21.0005
