
「HUPO-PSI Kyoto Symposium 2024 on Omics Repository, Database and Data Journal」開催のおしらせ

2024年03月15日 会合

Date:March 21, 2024 13:00 – 17:00
Venue:Fujita Hall, Med-Pharm Collaboration Building, Kyoto University
Program: next page
Registration: free (pre-registration is required)
#Workshop registrants do not need to register

Organized by Yasushi Ishihama (Kyoto Univ) and Shujiro Okuda (Niigata Univ)
Supported by Journal of Proteome Data and Methods (JPrOS) & jPOST Project (NBDC-JST)

One of HUPO's key activities is the Proteomics Standards Initiative (PSI), which aims to define community standards for proteomics data to facilitate data comparison, exchange, and validation. The ProteomeXchange Consortium (PXC), an international proteomics repository, has also developed around this community. The workshop is held once a year in the spring, and the 2024 workshop will be held March 18-20 in Kyoto, Japan. Since this is a good opportunity for the core members of this field to get together, we have organized a half-day symposium, "HUPO-PSI Kyoto Symposium 2024 on Omics Repository, Database and Data Journal," on March 21, the day after the workshop. The symposium is not only about proteomics, but also about the current status of other omics repositories in Japan, the future of international collaboration in proteomics, and new attempts to use the data journal "Journal of Proteome Data and Methods'' that JPrOS has been working on. If you are interested, please join us.

Yasushi Ishihama and Shujiro Okuda
Symposium Organizers, jPOST and JPDM projects

HUPOが担っている重要な活動の一つに、プロテオミクスにおけるデータのコミュニティ標準を定義し、データの比較、交換、検証を容易にすることを目的としたProteomics Standards Initiative (PSI) があり、国際データリポジトリであるProteomeXchange Consortium (PXC)もこのコミュニティを中心にして発展してきました。年1回、春にworkshopが開催されますが、2024年は3月18-20日に京都で開催されます。この領域のコアメンバーがそろう良い機会なので、workshopの翌日3月21日に、半日のシンポジウム「HUPO-PSI Kyoto Symposium 2024 on Omics Repository, Database and Data Journal」を企画しました。プロテオミクスだけではなく、国内の他のオミクスリポジトリの現状や、プロテオミクスにおける国際連携の将来、さらには、JPrOSが中心となってすすめているデータジャーナル “Journal of Proteome Data and Methods”を利用した新しい試みなどについて紹介し、参加者とともに議論をする機会を設けたいと考えています。ご興味のある方はぜひ、ご参加ください。


13:00 - 13:10 Yasushi Ishihama “Opening remark”
13:10 - 13:35 Kiyoko F. Aoki-Kinoshita "Guidelines, repositories, and databases for glycoproteomics"
13:35 - 14:00 Fumio Matsuda “The Shin-MassBank project: A collaboration between proteomics and metabolomics”
14:00 - 14:20 Break
14:20 - 14:45 Hiroshi Mori “Microbiome Datahub: an integrated database to accelerate microbiome research”
14:45 - 15:10 Shujiro Okuda “Current status of the jPOST and JPDM projects and future approaches to multi-omics data integration”
15:10 - 15:35 Eun Ok Paek “Introducing KPOP - Korean ProteOmics rePository”
15:35 - 15:50 Break
15:50 - 16:15 Juan A. Vizcaino "The PRIDE database and ProteomeXchange: Making proteomics data FAIR”
16:15 - 16:40 Eric W. Deutsch “The Proteomics Standards Initiative: current and future developments”
16:40 - 17:00 Discussion
