2024年07月30日 会合
Grants-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) on "Mechanical self-transformation of living systems"
4PM on 5th August (Mon), 2024
Meeting ID: 939 0174 9290
Passcode: 636358
KAKENHI the Grants-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) on "Mechanical self-transformation of living systems" is calling for publicly-offered projects (FY2025-FY2026). This project aims to develop new paradigms for morphogenesis through a quantitative and holistic evaluation of how mechanical forces control the emergent properties of self-organizing feedbacks in the developing organisms. We will organize a briefing session via Zoom to explain our planned research projects and answer questions from the audience.
Please make advance registration with the link below:
Application procedures and application forms can be found below:
Head Investigator: Fumio MOTEGI
email: multicellular_mechanics@igm.hokudai.ac.jp
homepage: https://multicellular-mechanics.org